Aqua viva


Item code: 1300001659

In order for every hour of your day to be full of life, you need to take in the optimal mineral ratio. Only Aqua Viva contains just the ideal balance of minerals, with a low sodium content and a perfect ratio of calcium and magnesium. If You want to buy a pack, please order 6 pcs.

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In order for every hour of your day to be full of life, you need to take in the optimal mineral ratio. Only Aqua Viva contains just the ideal balance of minerals, with a low sodium content and a perfect ratio of calcium and magnesium. If You want to buy a pack, please order 6 pcs.

Grupa proizvoda/Product category Negazirana prirodna mineralna voda/Noncarbonated natural mineral water
Naziv proizvoda/Product name „Aqua Viva“ 

(naziv pod kojim se stavlja u promet, spisak sastojaka, alergeni idr)/Declaration

(name under which it is placed on the market, list of ingredients, quantity of certain ingredients, allergens)
„Aqua Viva“

Negazirana prirodna mineralna voda sa niskim sadržajem rastvorivih mineralnih materija i sa niskim sadržajem natrijuma. /

„Aqua Viva“

Noncarbonated natural mineral water with low content of soluble mineral matter and low sodium content.

Izvorište „Park“  Aranđelovac. / Spring  „Park“  Aranđelovac. 
Neto količina/Net quantity Neto količina: 1,5l/Net quantity 1,5l                           
Rok trajanja/Life time  Najbolje upotrebiti do datuma otisnutog na gornjem delu pakovanja. /Use best before date stamped on top of packaging.                  
Uslovi čuvanja/Storage conditions Čuvati na suvom i hladnom mestu, zaštićeno od zamrzavanja i direktne sunčeve svetlosti/

Keep at dry and cold place, protected from freezing and direct sunlight.                    
Naziv i adresa proizvođača/

Name and address of producer
Proizvođač/Producer: "KNJAZ MILOŠ'' a.d., Južna industrijska zona bb, 34300 Aranđelovac,

Republika Srbija/Republic of Serbia.                     
Zemlja porekla/Country of origin  Zemlja porekla: Republika Srbija/Contry of origin: Republic of Serbia.                 
Oznake na ambalaži/Marks on packaging
Hemijski sastav/Chemical ingredients:
SASTOJCI u mg/ l /Analytical compsition in mg/1L:
Kalcijum/Calcium (Ca 2+) 90
Magnezijum/Magnesium (Mg 2+) 13
Natrijum/Sodium (Na +)      11,5
Kalijum/Potassium (K +)                                                         1,8
Gvožđe/Iron (Fe 2+/3+)                                  <0,05
Hidrokarbonati/Hydrocarbonates (HCO3 -) 314
Sulfati/Sulfates (SO4 2-)                                  24
Hloridi /Chlorides  (Cl -) 12,4
Fluoridi /Fluorides (F -) 0,14
Suvi ostatak/Dry residue (na 180°C)       361
Analiza urađena u Institutu za javno zdravlje Srbije ''Dr Milan Jovanović Batut'' Beograd, lab.br. 2255 od 28.12.2017./

Analysis done by the Institute of Public Health of Serbia "Dr Milan Jovanović Batut" Belgrade, Lab. 2255 of 28.12.2017.
Characteristics Value
Category Still water
Brand Aqua viva
Packaging size 1,5 L
Packaging type Pet

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