

Item code: 1300001031
ReMix Knjaz is a non-alcoholic refreshing drink with the largest share of fruit juice on the market and without artificial sweeteners. A drink of its own character from the well-known Knjaz Miloš product family. ReMix Knjaz for those who use opportunities, for all who are not afraid to try something new, a drink for those who want more! Refreshing taste of conference pears.
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ReMix Knjaz is a non-alcoholic refreshing drink with the largest share of fruit juice on the market and without artificial sweeteners. A drink of its own character from the well-known Knjaz Miloš product family. ReMix Knjaz for those who use opportunities, for all who are not afraid to try something new, a drink for those who want more! Refreshing taste of conference pears.
Grupa proizvoda/Product category Osvežavajuće bezalkoholno piće sa voćnim sokom / Refreshing non-alcoholic drink with fruit juice
Naziv proizvoda/Product name Remix Knjaz Superior Kruška / Remix Knjaz Superior Pear

(naziv pod kojim se stavlja u promet, spisak sastojaka, alergeni idr)/Declaration

(name under which it is placed on the market, list of ingredients, quantity of certain ingredients, allergens)
Remix Knjaz Superior  Kruška

Osvežavajuće bezalkoholno piće sa voćnim sokom kruške. Sadržaj voćnog soka min 10%.

Sastojci: voda, šećer, voćni sok od koncentrisanog voćnog soka kruške 10%, ugljen-dioksid min 2 g/l, kiselina: limunska kiselina, antioksidans: askorbinska kiselina, konzervansi: kalijum-sorbat i natrijum-benzoat, aroma./

Remix Knjaz Superior Pear

Refreshing non-alcoholic drink with pear fruit juice. Fruit juice content min 10%.

Ingredients: water, sugar, fruit juice from concentrated fruit pear juice 10%, carbon-dioxide min 2 g/l,  acid: citric acid, antioxidants: ascorbic acid, preservatives: potassium-sorbate and sodium-benzoate, flavor.
Neto količina/Net quantity Neto količina 1.5l/Net quantity: 1,5l                        
Rok trajanja/Life time  Najbolje upotrebiti do datuma otisnutog na gornjem delu ambalaže /Best before date printed on the upper part of the packaging.                
Uslovi čuvanja/Storage conditions Čuvati na suvom i hladnom mestu, zaštićeno od zamrzavanja i direktne sunčeve svetlosti. /Keep at dry and cold place, protected from freezing and direct sunlight.         
Naziv i adresa proizvođača/

Name and address of producer
Proizvođač: "KNJAZ MILOŠ'' a.d., Južna industrijska zona bb, 34300 Aranđelovac, Republika Srbija.   /Producer: "KNJAZ MILOŠ'' a.d., Južna industrijska zona bb, 34300 Aranđelovac, Republic of Serbia.  
Zemlja porekla/Country of origin : Zemlja porekla: Republika Srbija/Country of origin: Republic of Serbia. 
Oznake na ambalaži/Marks on packaging
Nutritivna deklaracija/Nutritional declaration:
Prosečna hranljiva vrednost na 100 ml/

Average nutrition values per 100 ml
Energija/Energy 136 kJ /32 kcal

od kojih zasićene masne kiseline /

of which saturates 
0 g

0 g
Ugljeni hidrati/Carbohydrates

od kojih šećeri /

of which sugars 
8,0 g

6,7 g
Proteini/Protein 0 g
So/Salt  0,01 g
Characteristics Value
Category Products
Brand Remix
Packaging size 1,5 L
Packaging type Pet

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