

Item code: 1300001028
ReMix Knjaz is a non-alcoholic refreshing drink with the largest share of fruit juice on the market and without artificial sweeteners. A drink of its own character from the well-known Knjaz Miloš product family. ReMix Knjaz for those who use opportunities, for all who are not afraid to try something new, a drink for those who want more! Refreshing taste of Mediterranean peach.
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The minimum value of the order is 1500 RSD

ReMix Knjaz is a non-alcoholic refreshing drink with the largest share of fruit juice on the market and without artificial sweeteners. A drink of its own character from the well-known Knjaz Miloš product family. ReMix Knjaz for those who use opportunities, for all who are not afraid to try something new, a drink for those who want more! Refreshing taste of Mediterranean peach.
Grupa proizvoda/Product category Osvežavajuće bezalkoholno piće sa voćnim sokom/Refreshing non-alcoholic drink with fruit juice
Naziv proizvoda/Product name Remix Knjaz Superior Breskva / Remix Knjaz Superior Peach

(naziv pod kojim se stavlja u promet, spisak sastojaka, alergeni idr)/Declaration

(name under which it is placed on the market, list of ingredients, quantity of certain ingredients, allergens)
Remix Knjaz Superior Breskva

Osvežavajuće bezalkoholno piće sa voćnim sokom breskve, narandže i limuna. Sadržaj voćnog soka min 15%.

Sastojci: voda, šećer, voćni sokovi od koncentrisanih voćnih sokova (breskve 11%, narandže 3,5% i limuna 0,5%), kiselina: limunska kiselina, ugljen-dioksid min 2 g/l, antioksidans: askorbinska kiselina, konzervansi: kalijum-sorbat i natrijum-benzoat, stabilizator: akacija guma, arome, boja: karoteni./

Remix Knjaz Superior Peach

Refreshing non-alcoholic drink with peach, orange and lemon juice. Fruit juice content min 15%.

Ingredients: water, sugar, fruit juices from concentrated fruit juices (peach 11%, orange 3,5% and lemon 0,5%), acid: citric acid, carbon-dioxide min 2 g/l, antioxidants: ascorbic acid, preservatives: potassium-sorbate and sodium-benzoate, stabilizer: acacia gum, flavors, color: carotene.
Neto količina/Net quantity Neto količina 1.5l/Net quantity: 1,5l                        
Rok trajanja/Life time  Najbolje upotrebiti do datuma otisnutog na gornjem delu ambalaže /Best before date printed on the upper part of the packaging.                
Uslovi čuvanja/Storage conditions Čuvati na suvom i hladnom mestu, zaštićeno od zamrzavanja i direktne sunčeve svetlosti. /Keep at dry and cold place, protected from freezing and direct sunlight.         
Naziv i adresa proizvođača/

Name and address of producer
Proizvođač: "KNJAZ MILOŠ'' a.d., Južna industrijska zona bb, 34300 Aranđelovac, Republika Srbija.  /Producer: "KNJAZ MILOŠ'' a.d., Južna industrijska zona bb, 34300 Aranđelovac, Republic of Serbia.  
Zemlja porekla/Country of origin : Zemlja porekla: Republika Srbija/Country of origin: Republic of Serbia. 
Oznake na ambalaži/Marks on packaging
Nutritivna deklaracija/Nutritional declaration:
Prosečna hranljiva vrednost na 100 ml/

Average nutrition values per 100 ml
Energija/Energy 196 kJ /47 kcal

od kojih zasićene masne kiseline /

of which saturates 
0 g

0 g
Ugljeni hidrati/Carbohydrates

od kojih šećeri /

of which sugars 
11,5 g

9,6 g
Proteini/Protein 0 g
So/Salt  0,01 g
Characteristics Value
Category Products
Brand Remix
Packaging size 1,5 L
Packaging type Pet

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