Water coolers

Our offer contains only the best. The coolers that we distribute are air compressors, of high quality and reliability, which give you a possibility to enjoy noncarbonated mineral water in your surroundings in a fast and simple way.
Air compressor coolers have a larger reservoir volume; a cooling system is ecologically friendly, while air compressor system allows cooling a great amount of water in a short time. Thanks to this characteristic, our coolers are very suitable for factory use and other places where there is a big employee frequency. Beside cooling system, a cooler owns an isolated reservoir for hot water. Through two separate taps you can choose water you like and in the shortest possible time make a hot drink or refresh yourself with cool Aqua Una water. Hot water is heated up to 85-95°C, and is cooled to 5-10°C.
Their modern design makes them fit for every space, and they are available in grey or white color.
Delivery and installation of the cooler is performed the following working day upon ordering, or according to a scheduled date.

Our water coolers are fast and simple to install, so you can start using them only 25 minutes later. Power consumption is also minimal – the energy needed for the cooler functioning is equal to the one used by a bulb.
Cooling system is completely ecological: water cooling is performed by air compressors. Only 25 minutes after installing the cooler, you can use it.
Finally, our water coolers are safe, secure and durable, satisfying the highest esthetic criteria.
We adapt our offer to your real needs and always recommend the most optimal solution. Depending on the number of the employees, the number of the necessary coolers and water consumption, we allow certain discounts to the price of water and provide special terms of invoicing and payment.
Large companies with an expanded network of business units are enabled to, through only one phone call or an e-mail to only one address, order, besides water, all other necessary cold and hot beverages, after which we will deliver the products according to the delivery schedule.
If you decide to rent a cooler, a 12-month contract is to be signed.
If monthly water consumption amounts to 5 or more Aqua Una 18,9 lit. bottles per cooler, Your cooler rental is free of charge.
If you want to possess a free-standing compressor water cooler, you can buy it at a price of only 150 euros in the dinar counter value.
The warranty period lasts 24 months, and if you buy several coolers, we can allow you a rebate for advanced payment.
The delivery is provided within 24 hours from the reception of the order.