HONEY 15GR 200/1

HONEY 15GR 200/1

Item code: 1300000327
Floral honey in packages of 15 grams is the ideal accompaniment teas of all kinds, coffee and other hot or cold beverages. Commercial packaging 200 pcs.
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The minimum value of the order is 1500 RSD

Floral honey in packages of 15 grams is the ideal accompaniment teas of all kinds, coffee and other hot or cold beverages. Commercial packaging 200 pcs.
Grupa proizvoda/Product category CVETNI VRCANI MED IZ SRBIJE
Naziv proizvoda/Product name CVETNI VRCANI MED 15g
(naziv pod kojim se stavlja u promet, spisak sastojaka, alergeni idr)/Declaration
(name under which it is placed on the market, list of ingredients, quantity of certain ingredients, allergens)
Med 15g 200/1.  Ne preporučuje se dijabetičarima, alergičnima na polen i deci mlađoj od 12 meseci
Neto količina/Net quantity Neto: 15 g, Pakovanje 200 kom.
Rok trajanja/Life time  2 godine
Uslovi čuvanja/Storage conditions  
Naziv i adresa proizvođača/
Name and address of producer
Pakuje i distribuira SR PAKO-GRAF, Miloša Obilića 33, Nova Pazova, Republika Srbija
Zemlja porekla/Country of origin :
Naziv i adresa distributera/Name and address of distributor
Republika Srbija. Pakuje i distribuira SR PAKO-GRAF, Miloša Obilića 33, Nova Pazova
Sastav /ingredients Cvetni vrcani med

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HONEY 15GR 200/1
HONEY 15GR 200/1
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