

Item code: 1300001049
Refreshing sweet and sour beverage, with rich flavour of juicy cherry will make you fall in love with our new Tube!
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Refreshing sweet and sour beverage, with rich flavour of juicy cherry will make you fall in love with our new Tube!
Grupa proizvoda/Product category Osvežavajuće bezalkoholno piće sa voćnim sokom/Refreshing non-alcoholic drink with fruit juice
Naziv proizvoda/Product name Tube  Oh, Cherry

(naziv pod kojim se stavlja u promet, spisak sastojaka, alergeni idr)/Declaration

(name under which it is placed on the market, list of ingredients, quantity of certain ingredients, allergens)
Tube  Oh, Cherry

Negazirano osvežavajuće bezalkoholno piće sa voćnim sokom višnje. Voćni sadržaj najmanje 10% soka višnje od koncentrisanog soka.

Sastojci: voda, šećer, visoko fruktozni sirup, voćni sok višnje 10% od koncentrisanog soka višnje, kiseline: jabučna i limunska kiselina, boje: E150d i koncentrat crne šargarepe i hibiskusa, prirodna aroma, konzervansi: kalijum-sorbat i natrijum-benzoat./

Tube  Oh, Cherry

Non-carbonated refreshing non-alcoholic drink with fruit cherry juice. Fruit content min. 10% juice from concentrated cherry juice.

Ingredients: water, sugar, high fructose syrup, cherry fuit juice 10%  from concentrated cherry juice, acids: malic and citric acid, colors: E 150d and concentrate of black carrot and hibiscus, natural flavor, preservatives: potassium-sorbate and sodium- benzoate.
Neto količina/Net quantity Neto količina/Net quantity: 0,5L                         
Rok trajanja/Life time  Najbolje upotrebiti do datuma otisnutog na gornjem delu ambalaže /Best before date printed on the upper part of the packaging.                
Uslovi čuvanja/Storage conditions Čuvati na suvom i hladnom mestu, zaštićeno od zamrzavanja. Otvoren proizvod čuvati u frižideru i upotrebiti u roku od tri dana. Pre upotrebe promućkati./Keep at dry and cold place, protected from freezing. After opening keep the product in the refrigerator and use within 3 days. Shake before use.             
Naziv i adresa proizvođača/

Name and address of producer
Proizvođač/Producer: "KNJAZ MILOŠ'' a.d., Južna Industrijska Zona bb, 34300 Aranđelovac, Republika Srbija/Producer.

Proizvedeno u Republici Srbiji/Produced in Republic of Serbia. 
Zemlja porekla/Country of origin : Zemlja porekla: Republika Srbija/Country of origin: Republic of Serbia. 
Oznake na ambalaži/Marks on packaging
Nutritivna deklaracija/Nutritional declaration:
Prosečna hranljiva vrednost na 100 ml/

Average nutrition values per 100 ml
Energetska vrednost/Energy 211 kJ/50 kcal

od kojih zasićene masne kiseline /

of which saturates 
0 g

0 g
Ugljeni hidrati/Carbohydrates

od kojih šećeri /

of which sugars 
12,4 g

10,2 g
Proteini/Protein 0 g
So/Salt  0,01 g
Characteristics Value
Category Non-carbonated juices
Brand Tube
Packaging size 0,5 L
Packaging type Pet

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