HAUSBRANDT Venezia 1kg

HAUSBRANDT Venezia 1kg

Item code: 1300000765
Hausbrandt Venezia is a coffee blend with a strong aroma of toasted bread. Coffee is characterized by a full body and low acidity. It gives the palate a pleasant sweetness, thanks to the presence of Brazilian Arabica. The perfect and harmonious combination of Arabica and Robusta coffee creates a recognizable product with a very pleasant and long-lasting finish.
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Hausbrandt Venezia is a coffee blend with a strong aroma of toasted bread. Coffee is characterized by a full body and low acidity. It gives the palate a pleasant sweetness, thanks to the presence of Brazilian Arabica. The perfect and harmonious combination of Arabica and Robusta coffee creates a recognizable product with a very pleasant and long-lasting finish.

Grupa proizvoda/Product category Espresso kafa /Espresso coffee
Naziv proizvoda/Product name „HAUSBRANDT VENEZIA“ 

(naziv pod kojim se stavlja u promet, spisak sastojaka, alergeni idr)/Declaration

(name under which it is placed on the market, list of ingredients, quantity of certain ingredients, allergens)
„Hausbrandt Venezia“

Pržena kafa u zrnu dobijena mešavinom najfinijih vrsta kafa Arabika i Robusta /

„Hausbrandt Venezia“

Roasted coffee bean blend.
Neto količina/Net quantity Neto količina: 1000 g/Net quantity 1000 g                          
Rok trajanja/Life time  Najbolje upotrebiti do datuma utisnutog na rubu kese. /Best before: see longitudinal weld.                
Uslovi čuvanja/Storage conditions Čuvati na suvom i hladnom mestu/Keep at dry and cold place.         
Naziv i adresa proizvođača/

Name and address of producer
Proizvođač/Producer: "Hausbrandt Trieste 1892'' s.p.a., Via Foscarini 52, Nervesa della Battaglia - Treviso, Italija.

Zemlja porekla/Country of origin  Zemlja porekla: Italija/Contry of origin: Italy.                 
Oznake na ambalaži/Marks on packaging                   
Characteristics Value
Category Ground coffee and coffee beans
Packaging size 1 kg
Brand Hausbrandt

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