Aqua Una


Item code: 1300000001
Online ordering of Aqua Una 18.9 L water is only available for users with contracts for the use of watercoolers. The minimum order is 2 bottles. If you want to become our user, call 011/63 55 900 or contact us via the contact form on the website in the SUPPORT section. Aqua Una 18.9 lit. is a non-carbonated natural mineral water with a low content of soluble minerals and a low content of sodium. The packaging is returnable, made of polycarbonate. It is intended for use via a water appliance. PROMOTION If you order products from the Knjaz Miloš PORTFOLIO and/ or products from Pepsi portfolio (Pepsi Cola, Mirinda, 7up, Everves, Ivi) worth 1.000 RSD - You can buy another AQUA UNA BALLOON for 1 DINAR, by selecting the option before confirming the purchase*. *The option to purchase AQUA UNA bottles for 1 dinar will automatically appear in your CART if the above conditions are met. Minimum delivery is 2 AQUA UNA bottles. PROMOTION If you order products from the Knjaz Miloš portfolio and/or products from Pepsi portfolio (Pepsi Cola, Mirinda, 7up, Everves, Ivi) worth 1.000 RSD, with at least one Aqua Una 18,9L - You have the opportunity to buy another AQUA UNA bottle for 1 DINAR, by selecting the option before confirming the purchase*. *the option to purchase AQUA UNA bottle for 1 dinar will automatically appear in your BASKET if the above conditions are met. Minimum delivery is 2 AQUA UNA bottles. Aqua Una bottle 18.9L can be ordered by our users with a concluded Agreement on the use of water coolers. Want to become our customer? For all questions, call 0800 000 008
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The minimum value of the order is 1500 RSD

Online ordering of Aqua Una 18.9 L water is only available for users with contracts for the use of watercoolers. The minimum order is 2 bottles. If you want to become our user, call 011/63 55 900 or contact us via the contact form on the website in the SUPPORT section. Aqua Una 18.9 lit. is a non-carbonated natural mineral water with a low content of soluble minerals and a low content of sodium. The packaging is returnable, made of polycarbonate. It is intended for use via a water appliance. PROMOTION If you order products from the Knjaz Miloš PORTFOLIO and/ or products from Pepsi portfolio (Pepsi Cola, Mirinda, 7up, Everves, Ivi) worth 1.000 RSD - You can buy another AQUA UNA BALLOON for 1 DINAR, by selecting the option before confirming the purchase*. *The option to purchase AQUA UNA bottles for 1 dinar will automatically appear in your CART if the above conditions are met. Minimum delivery is 2 AQUA UNA bottles. PROMOTION If you order products from the Knjaz Miloš portfolio and/or products from Pepsi portfolio (Pepsi Cola, Mirinda, 7up, Everves, Ivi) worth 1.000 RSD, with at least one Aqua Una 18,9L - You have the opportunity to buy another AQUA UNA bottle for 1 DINAR, by selecting the option before confirming the purchase*. *the option to purchase AQUA UNA bottle for 1 dinar will automatically appear in your BASKET if the above conditions are met. Minimum delivery is 2 AQUA UNA bottles. Aqua Una bottle 18.9L can be ordered by our users with a concluded Agreement on the use of water coolers. Want to become our customer? For all questions, call 0800 000 008
Grupa proizvoda/Product category Negazirana prirodna mineralna voda/Noncarbonated natural mineral water
Naziv proizvoda/Product name „Aqua Una“ 


(naziv pod kojim se stavlja u promet, spisak sastojaka, alergeni idr)/Declaration

(name under which it is placed on the market, list of ingredients, quantity of certain ingredients, allergens)


„Aqua Una“ 
Negazirana prirodna mineralna voda sa niskim sadržajem rastvorivih mineralnih materija i sa niskim sadržajem natrijuma. /

„Aqua Una“

Noncarbonated natural mineral water with low content of soluble mineral matter and low sodium content.
Izvorište „Gala“, selo Ključ. / Spring  „Gala“, the village Ključ.

Neto količina/Net quantity Neto količina: 18,9l/Net quantity 18,9l                         
Rok trajanja/Life time  Najbolje upotrebiti do datuma otisnutog na gornjem delu pakovanja. /Use best before date stamped on top of packaging.                    
Uslovi čuvanja/Storage conditions


Čuvati na suvom i hladnom mestu, zaštićeno od zamrzavanja i direktne sunčeve svetlosti/

Keep at dry and cold place, protected from freezing and direct sunlight.                    

Naziv i adresa proizvođača/

Name and address of producer

Za  „KNJAZ MILOŠ – NATURA“ D.O.O. proizvodi i puni: Društvo za proizvodnju mineralne vode "MIONI" d.o.o. 11070 Novi Beograd, ul. Milentija Popovića 7b, pogon u selu Ključ, 14242 Mionica, Republika Srbija.Proizvedeno u Republici Srbiji.

For "KNJAZ MILOS - NATURA" D.O.O. products and full: Company for production mineral water "MIONI" d.o.o. 11070 New Belgrade, st.Milentija Popovica 7b, plant in the village of Ključ, 14242 Mionica, Republic of Serbia.Produced in Republic of Serbia.                    

Zemlja porekla/Country of origin :
Naziv i adresa distributera/Name and address of distributor 
Distributer: „KNJAZ MILOŠ – NATURA“ D.O.O. Beograd, ul. Bulevar Peka Dapčevića 41, 11152 Beograd, Republika Srbija/
Distributor: "KNJAZ MILOS - NATURA" D.O.O. Belgrade, st. Bulevar Peka Dapcevica 41, 11152 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia.             
Oznake na ambalaži/Marks on packaging   

Hemijski sastav/Chemical ingredients:
SASTOJCI u mg/ l /Analytical compsition in mg/1L:
Kalcijum/Calcium (Ca2+) 62,1
Magnezijum/Magnesium (Mg2+) 32,8
Natrijum/Sodium (Na+)      16,2
Kalijum/Potassium (K+)                                                         2,3
Gvožđe/Iron (Fe2+/3+)                                  <0,05
Hidrokarbonati/Hydrocarbonates (HCO3-) 402
Sulfati/Sulfates (SO42-)                                  14,2
Hloridi /Chlorides  (Cl-) 1,6
Fluoridi /Fluorides (F-) 0,11
Suvi ostatak/Dry residue   (na 180°C)       322
Analiza urađena u Laboratoriji ''Knjaz Miloš'' Aranđelovac, Lab. br. 100-2017/217 od 28.03.2017./
Analysis done by the Laboratory “Knjaz Miloš” Aranđelovac, Lab. No. 100-2017/217 od 28.03.2017.
Characteristics Value
Category Aqua Una 18,9L bulk
Brand Aqua Una

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